Sunday, October 18, 2009

"Publish Post"

It has become a habit of mine to neglect my, I think it's time to get back at 'er, and hopefully make this a bit of a hobby. I don't exactly know what I want to do with this whole blogging I look back, it seems like it's a bit of a diary for me; a way of getting things off my chest.

You guys don't know this, but there are about a hundred unpublished posts just sitting in my 'drafts' folder. Posts where I wrote and wrote and wrote, and before pressing the 'Publish Post" button I decided not to publish because of different reasons. For example, sometimes when I have something on my mind, I have trouble delivering it through my words, so I ditch. Or, if I'm feeling low and I write about what's going on, at the end of the post I usually realize that it's not a big deal and I get over it.

I have also realized that I write the most when I am feeling low. That is just when I feel like writing....and if I write about all the good, beautiful bunny rabbits all the time, I could come across as one of those "La la la, My life is perfect...I have no flaws...La la la!" type people. And I hate those people! (Facebook status' and "About Me" sections can be like that. Cynical? Maybe, at times, lol)

So, today I am feeling a tad homesick. Here I am, writing a blog...

I still haven't fully unpacked since my move to Toronto. So this morning I started unpacking the last of my things....and stopped! It's all there sprawled across my bedroom floor, waiting for a place to settle. The only thing is, I am not sure that I want to be settled here. It will feel to official. I still haven't embraced the idea that I am probably not going to be living in Newfoundland again for a very, very long time....if ever.

So, here I am...clicking away on my laptop, taking mini breaks to look at all the crap on my floor...and ya know what? I think I'm just going to return it to the bag it was in, and put it back in my closet.

Cheers! :)


Anonymous said...

I understand what you mean when you think its official that " if i unpack then im never going back "

Getting away from your past- be it good or bad - and leaving your roots behind is a momumental moment in your life. Its a fresh start, whether it was intended that way or not and right now it is an amazing career that you have the opproutunity to experience.

so some days you may want to unpack your things, or just shove em all in your closet and forget about it. i recommend this: take your suitcase out and leave it open that way you have the reminders of home when you want them in plain site or you can cover it over when you want to live in the moment and embrace what you have today. Fair compromise? Either way, You are a Newfoundlander living in Ontario and your never gonna take the newf out of a person, no matter how long your gone or how hard you may try!!

Your loved and dont forget it
no matter where your at!


Steve said...

Sounds like writing is therapy for you. Keep it up then. No worries about keeping the private ones private. However, I'm a big fan of your writing style. It's natural sounding like your Aunt Donna's writing. So try to publishone now and then!

Glad you're back online!

Steve said...

Sounds like writing is therapy for you. Keep it up then. No worries about keeping the private ones private. However, I'm a big fan of your writing style. It's natural sounding like your Aunt Donna's writing. So try to publishone now and then!

Glad you're back online!